
Look Inside the book

To get a feel for the content, have a look inside…
  • How do we end up with legacy?
  • What can you do to prevent creating more legacy?
  • Lead your teams out of legacy as a product owner
  • Living and working with the remnants of legacy
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An overview of the book

A clear, step by step process of understanding and reducing legacy.

Chapter 1: The Burden Of Legacy

How legacy impacts every aspect of the work of a product owner.

Chapter 2: The Road To Legacy

How the way we work creates the conditions in which legacy grows.

Chapter 3: The Heat Map

The first step of getting in control is creating a high level overview of functionality and the way we test it.

Chapter 4: Story Mapping Existing Features

Use story mapping on existing features to get more insight into the different ways in which each feature is used.

Chapter 5: The Link To Testing

How we can use the information surfaced to immediately improve the way we test our legacy system.

Chapter 6: Example Mapping Existing Functionality

For some functionality, we need to go into deep detail to really be able to trust our legacy system.

Chapter 7: Formulating Scenarios

Using the detailed knowledge we gathered to document our system and test its business logic.

Chapter 8: Planning

How we can plan new functionality while working on improving a legacy system.

Chapter 9: Dealing With Defects

A lightweight method of managing defects and structurally improving quality.

Wouter Lagerweij

Wouter Lagerweij

Wouter Lagerweij is an independent coach who covers the whole spectrum: from the technical practices of Dev and Ops, through process and organization all the way to business and product. He loves spending time with teams and organizations, from small startups to large enterprises, to figure out how to improve the way they make software, and make it more fun. To make that happen Wouter uses the knowledge and skills gathered in over twenty-five years of experience applying agile processes and practices from XP, Scrum, Kanban, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Lean and Systems Thinking. He’s even been known to, occasionally, use common sense.

On-line Articles

Excerpts of the book and other articles available on-line.

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